Erin Davis - Therapy for OCD in North Carolina & Virginia

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Emetophobia: The Fear of Throwing Up

What Is Emetophobia?

 Emetophobia, also known as the fear of vomiting, is a highly prevalent but lesser-known anxiety disorder. It affects people of all ages and can lead to severe distress. If you suffer from emetophobia, likely you often go to great lengths to avoid situations that you associate with vomiting. This could be anything from avoiding certain foods or eating too much as that puts you on the edge of feeling sick as well as not being around people who were sick even if it were days ago.

This anxiety disorder can have a huge impact on your life, affecting your daily routines, social interactions, and overall well-being.

Symptoms of Emetophobia

Emetophobia shows up and manifests in a variety of ways. The severity also varies among individuals. For people who suffer from emetophobia, we will refer to them as emetophobes.
Some common symptoms include:


1. Extreme anxiety: Emetophobes often experience intense, irrational fear when they or someone else feels nauseous, leading to panic attacks or severe anxiety.


2. Avoidance behaviors: People with emetophobia can or will go to great lengths to avoid situations or places they associate with vomiting. This could be places where they have seen someone throw up or know that vomiting could be likely like school or the doctor’s office.


3. Social isolation: Emetophobia can lead to isolation and loneliness, as individuals may avoid parties or spending time with friends in order to minimize their exposure to triggers.


4. Physical symptoms: These may include rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and trembling when confronted with vomiting or situations associated with it.


5. Excessive hygiene: Some emetophobes engage in excessive cleanliness routines in an attempt to prevent illness, including obsessive hand-washing or food sterilization.