Therapy for Anxiety & OCD in North Carolina & Virginia

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Unleash Your True Potential with Therapy!

Are you ready to break free from the constraints holding you back? Do you want to live a more fulfilling, balanced, and joyful life? Look no further! Welcome to my private practice, where I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and flourish.

Why Therapy?

Therapy is not just for those facing significant challenges in life; it is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. Whether you are grappling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or simply seeking personal growth, therapy can be the catalyst for positive change in your life.

My Therapeutic Expertise

I am dedicated to providing you with personalized, evidence-based treatment. I am a licensed clinical mental health counselor and professional equipped with a wealth of knowledge and experience in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and exposure-response prevention (ERP). My primary populations that I work with is teenagers and women. For teens, I encourage parents to be involved in the treatment planning and some counseling sessions. I want your teen to feel safe in sharing confidential information while also bringing in their support system, which is their parent.

A Tailored Approach

I understand that each individual is unique, with their own set of circumstances and goals. That's why I offer a tailored approach to therapy, ensuring that your specific needs are met. Through a collaborative partnership as your therapist, I will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan designed to address your challenges and support your growth.

The Benefits of Therapy

Embarking on a therapeutic journey with me can bring about a wide array of positive changes in your life:

1. Improved Mental Well-being: Therapy provides a safe and supportive space for you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to enhanced self-awareness and improved mental well-being.

2. Enhanced Coping Skills: Learn effective strategies and techniques to manage stress, develop healthy coping skills, and navigate challenging situations with confidence.

3. Stronger Relationships: Therapy can help you build healthier and more fulfilling relationships by facilitating improved communication, boundaries, and understanding.

4. Increased Self-Esteem: Rediscover your self-worth, boost your self-confidence, and develop a positive self-image as you gain insight into your strengths and abilities.

5. Greater Life Satisfaction: Through therapy, you can gain clarity about your goals and values, enabling you to make choices that align with your true desires and leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Your Transformation Awaits!