Blog written by a small-town girl in Taylorsville, North Carolina

OCD Treatment for Teens & Women
in North Carolina

Inspirations, tips, and guidance for those living with anxiety, stress, worry, fear, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

OCD, Podcast Erin Davis OCD, Podcast Erin Davis

Postpartum OCD: Managing Motherhood

Hi, and welcome to today's episode where I'm going to be reviewing Postpartum OCD, and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. At the time that I'm recording this, it's the end of December 2023. With postpartum OCD, it is an episode or a particular subset of OCD where a woman is experiencing fears, worries, obsessions, as well as certain checking behaviors That are all centered around her newborn. baby. I want you to know that you are already an awesome mom. You taking the step to get help is showing how much you care about yourself and your baby and you're modeling such great things and it's wonderful to see Moms get the support they need.

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OCD Erin Davis OCD Erin Davis

Defining Intrusive Thoughts

In this podcast episode, I talk about how intrusive thoughts are normal as well as how it is different for an OCD sufferer. An intrusive thought is that combination of a thought coming into your mind without you trying to think about it and it brings stress.

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OCD Erin Davis OCD Erin Davis

OCD Treatment Explained

Research debates if OCD is caused by nature versus nurture. What the research does agree on, is the treatment protocol for OCD! Since the 1950s, OCD is effectively treated through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure and Response Prevention. If you or someone you know struggles with OCD, schedule your free consult today!

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Erin Davis Erin Davis

Where do phobias come from?

Do you have an intense fear of something? It’s that fear that swoops in as soon as you are triggered. Common fears are public speaking, spiders, germs, heights, darkness, needles, and being embarrassed. Good news is, phobias are treatable!

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OCD Erin Davis OCD Erin Davis

Emetophobia: The Fear of Throwing Up

This condition is considered to be one of the most complex forms of OCD. Sufferers will do anything and go to any length to avoid throwing up! I have had lots of success in treating this phobia. Schedule your free consult to see how I can help!

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Approximately 31% of adults experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Are you one of those statistics?

Schedule your free 15 minute consultation with me!

You can find more statistics from the National Institute for Mental Health.