A customized, virtual individual therapy service

Intensive Outpatient Program

for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Do your thoughts pass

the “good mom” test?

Good mom holding her son at the beach

You are starting to see how OCD is not all about keeping things tidy. 

But you can't figure out how to tame the mental bully... and dismantling the nuts-and-bolts of shame!?  

it’s beyond you.

What if you could learn to laugh off your intrusive thoughts in just 3 weeks?
You'd have an unmatched ability to bounce back so you can focus on your little ones.

Your hubs could now see your happy self again.

Happy mom holding her baby in a swaddle

Imagine what it could be like if

you’re finally not crying

at the drop of a hat.

You have gotten treatment from a therapist who truly gets YOU and the OCD that attacks you. 

This intensive, individual therapy is tailored to moms just like you who love their child more than life itself.

If you’re tired of second-guessing yourself with:

‘Cause for too long you have gone to Google for answers… getting really stuck reading posts in Facebook mom groups and going down rabbit holes of research for hours.

You want to feel comfortable & close with your kids like you’ve always wanted.

OCD can attack anyone and

it’s easy to feel like,

“Why me?” 

You wonder if
anyone understands the mental drain you go through.

You wonder if
someone switched brains with you, would they feel on edge all the time?

You wonder if anyone sees your pain. 

woman sitting indian style in the floor

You don't need to feel like you are losing your mind. 

You are deserving of a happy life.

And your kids think so too!

A mom holding her baby

That’s why I created a special program for moms who are struggling with:

  • Intrusive thoughts (scary things you don’t want to happen)

  • Compulsions (things you do to feel better)

  • Hopelessness in feeling like nothing else is working

Most new moms (up to 100%) experience unwanted intrusive thoughts about their baby. According to a study by Brok et al.:

  • 4 weeks postpartum = all women experienced at least one intrusive harm thought

  • 8 weeks postpartum = intrusive thoughts peak, with a gradual decline thereafter

  • 12 weeks postpartum = 19% of women still had active harming intrusions

Exposure response prevention (ERP) is the “gold standard” treatment for OCD.

When changing the relationship with THE things that scare you, the quieter the thoughts become.

In a few weeks from now, you want to:

  • kiss your kids goodnight instead of feeling ‘weird’ that you hugged them too long.

  • read your kids a bedtime story instead of distancing yourself.

  • Cut vegetables for your kid’s lunch while they play in the floor near you.

‘Cause the thoughts have no meaning, no power AND

they no longer control you!

You’ve spent hours learning more than you wanted to know about your intrusive thoughts— when all you really want to do is:

  • stop worrying if these nightmares are true

  • stop doubting your real self

  • stop spinning in your OCD bubble

Have you ever wondered why the medicine wasn’t helping the way you expected? That’s because there’s no magic pill to help you fully zoom out of the vicious cycle.

Medicine cannot replace that corrective experience your brain can only get from exposure response prevention therapy. When working with a therapist who specializes in OCD, you won’t be judged for your thoughts, compulsions, and experiences.

The OCD Intensives for Moms is an effective therapy journey -
as easy as ordering diapers from your beloved Amazon Prime
(but much better!)

A package that delivers lifelong benefits for you versus UPS leaving a box on your doorstep and you’re thinking:

“What did I order this time?”

Amanda Seyfried

Actress from “Mean Girls” & “Mamma Mia” in an interview about her OCD with Allure Magazine.

Amanda Seyfried from Mamma Mia

“It's not a mass; it's not a cyst. But it's there. Why do you need to prove it? If you can treat it, you treat it.”

Now you can confidently embrace your role as a loving mother -

You are the rock star in your kid’s life!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the most prevalent mental disorders in the United States >>per the National Library of Medicine.

And, Info from the National Institute for Health and Care Research says >>on average, people wait 12 years before seeking help but you don’t have to. <<

mom kneeling down face to face with kid
pregnant belly

Sounds like a job for

OCD Intensives for Moms!

Package Price: $5,250

mom holding toddler in air
mom and kid walking on a trail

3 Weeks

of individual, virtual customized intensive therapy 3 hours per day, 3 times per week, for 3 weeks from the comfort of your home to help you decrease, eliminate, and turn down the volume on symptoms of perinatal and postpartum OCD.

At an all-inclusive price of $5,250.

Does this sound like the chips to your guac? Great!
Here’s what you get:

  • a lady in the sunshine

    ERP Power Sessions

    • 1-on-1 done with you service

    • Full support by an expert

    • 3 hour sessions, 3 times per wk

    • Having another adult who “gets” you AND can help you through your thoughts

  • writing in a notebook

    Walking away with completed copies of:

    • Clarity for New Beginnings Guide $27

    • Brain Reboot Journal $27

    • Post-Therapy Roadmap $9

    A $63 value for no extra mula

  • lady listening on headphones

    Access to Sole Sync: A Mindfulness Podcast for busy humans

    • Listen to the podcast fo’ free while you are a current client

    • Normally a $100/year price tag!

  • guacomole dish

    Phone Access with an OCD Expert

    • Tailored advice specific to real-time challenges.

    • Continuous reinforcement of coping strategies.

    • Accountability: Helps you stay on track with your goals.



  • NOCD Content Creator

  • Healthline article contributor x2

  • Grief is the New Normal podcast

  • Podcaster’s Row podcast

And the cherry on top:

this is all designed to be a program that will give you tools, tips, & strategies that you can rinse and repeat
on your own to graduate from therapy.

This is a first come

first serve program

woman typing on a laptop in bed

with only 1 spot available at-a-time starting Monday, 9/30/2024.

This is an individual, unique intensive therapy experience online. Deadline is 9/15/2024 or when someone signs up, whichever comes first.

This is a rolling admission program. Snag your spot on the waitlist today!

What to expect after filling out the waitlist form:

  • woman on her phone

    1️⃣ Welcome Guide

    This guide full of handy info (so you’ll feel like a pro before we even start.)

  • Lady on a laptop

    2️⃣ Consult Call

    Within 1-2 business days, we’ll schedule your free 30 minute video call to ensure the program meets your unique needs.

  • Lady typing on a keyboard

    3️⃣ Paperwork

    If we’re a good fit, new client paperwork will be heading to your inbox from Simple Practice (my scheduling system.)

  • Plant in a cup of coins

    4️⃣ Deposit

    Once the paperwork is complete and you’ve made your $525 good faith deposit, we’ll get your appointments on the books.

Common Feedback from Graduated Clients:

You’re getting full transparency here!

“I can manage my OCD symptoms in a healthy way.”

“I can manage my OCD symptoms in a healthy way.”

"I'm able to get back into a sense of normalcy."

"I'm able to get back into a sense of normalcy."

It's time to give yourself permission to get help —

once and for all.

You COULD try to solve this is probably something like ... 

not trying to think about your intrusive thoughts.

(Gosh, if we had only thought of that idea sooner!)


you could keep going with the self-help books and Facebook mom groups. 

But the anonymous confessions are a compulsion that only feeds your OCD.


see a psychiatrist for medication and stop there. 

But that is not going to get the thoughts out of your head. 

kid with crayons
kids playground

You just want to enjoy life with your kid

doodle divider with leaves

Your kid is a kid NOW. Their childhood, bonding time with you, and making memories are happening today. The days are long and the years are short... but can you get their childhood back for $5,250?

No dollar amount can compare to what you’re willing to do to be the best mom you can be.

If you choose to wait on getting help for your OCD, how much longer are you going to hold out on authentically enjoying moments with your child?

There is only 1 individual spot available for this intensive therapy program!

In a Teen Vogue interview, "Stranger Things" actress Shannon Purser discussed her struggles with OCD and depression, sharing:

"Looking back, I wish I’d been able to reach out for help sooner.

Shannon Purser

And not to mention: “It was overwhelmingly comforting to finally realize that I wasn’t alone and that nothing was wrong with me. It was a treatable disorder.

Erin Davis, OCD Specialist

Since specializing in OCD, my therapy services have helped dozens of women
just like you over the past year.

We can continue working together past the 3 weeks, if you need it. Those sessions are 60 minutes at $175. More than likely, after this first 3 weeks, you feel like, “That’s a wrap!” 🎬because you feel in control again.

I’m Erin Davis, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and OCD specialist, helping those in the spirals of intrusive thoughts to come out of that valley and enjoy the view with mindful resilience. 

This ain’t for everyone.

This program is designed to give you results in 3 weeks instead of 6+ months.

These are longer sessions to give you more support and quicker results.

You can enjoy Christmas with your kids around the tree this year, eating food at Thanksgiving around the table with your little ones, and blow out candles on your kid’s birthday cake… together.

Nope. I'm not going to sit here and say this is for everyone. But if …

  • You have not found a therapist that specializes in OCD where you can freely talk about it, no matter how dark and ugly, to purge it out and get the right help you need.

  • Having another adult who "gets" you and can help you through your thoughts

  • Stop crying all the time, to feel like you are a good mom & not feel like your life is being ruined by your thoughts.

Someone who is NOT a fit would know because they...

are a male, sorry dad’s, this one is for the mommas. This program is also not for you if you are not willing to fully commit to the intensive nature of this program, like attending all sessions and actively participating. And to keep it simple, you are not a fit if you are not located in North Carolina or Virginia. Keep going to see what can help you successfully graduate from this program!

You will be most successful when you are ready and willing to commit to:

  • 3 hour sessions.

  • Meeting 3 times per week.

  • Having sessions on weekdays.

  • Keep learning in the program for at least 3 weeks.

  • During 1 of these 9 appointments, you are willing to virtually take Erin along in your pocket at a location outside of the office to give you the best, immersive exposure therapy experience.

  • Completing homework in between therapy appointments.

  • Remembering why you started the program to keep you motivated during the exposure therapy.

  • Embracing your brave self.

  • Make timely payments.

  • Show up to your free, 30 minute consultation with questions to make sure this program is what you’re looking for.

If this program is not what you need, don’t worry, let’s chat to see if regular individual therapy is a better fit for ya.

I’m guessing you have questions…
so I have answers!

  • Absolutely! If you're an adult female desiring an intensive, customized 1-1 virtual program, you are welcome to fill out the ERP Waitlist form.

  • Newbies are highly welcome! In fact, if you’ve never had OCD treatment before, this is THE best place to start! Let’s knock this one out of the park!

  • Yes! Only $360 is required to reserve your spot. You have the option to pay in full OR pay per week (upfront). Fees can be paid using cash, credit card, or CareCredit. CareCredit is a deferred interest credit card. I can also help you access your out-of-network insurance benefits by using Thrizer. 

  • The OCD themes I’m most experienced with are: harm, pedophilia, contamination, religious, and relationship OCD. If you’re curious about if you meet criteria for an OCD diagnosis, that is part of our consultation and assessment phase in our work together. There are so many OCD themes out there and feel free to ask during our consultation about my experience with your particular theme.

    1. No problem. I rarely answer numbers I don’t know so text is best! Email works too. 📲 Text: (828) 528-6837 | 📩 Email: info@valuedriventherapy.com

  • This program is based on therapy strategies and evidenced based interventions for OCD.

    If you want medication, or need support with medication management. Erin can put you in touch with a psychiatrist who can help!

  • You are eligible to get a refund only on the fees paid above the $360 deposit. Of course, therapy is voluntary and you will be refunded only the therapy session fees (if services were not rendered).

Have you noticed the tricks of the OCD con artist?

  • "I feel too far gone,"

    says your intrusive thought. This is Myth #1.

  • "You're a lost cause. You can't be helped."

    Welp. Not true. This is Myth #2. That trickster is at it again.

  • “Once you start therapy, you’ll be in it for years. You don’t have time for that.”

    Myth #3. Another sneaky thing that your intrusive thought does.

As a mom, your little one’s childhood is precious,
& so is
your quality of life.

You can’t get this time back.

How do you want your kid to remember you?

“Okay yesss the part of this where you talk about not being happy or grateful because something bad is going to happen. I feel that so much. My ‘something bad’ is negative thinking and panic attacks. When I start to feel happy my mind goes to ‘but you’re depressed’ ‘but you have major spiritual doubt’ ‘but you are gonna be anxious and have panic attacks.’ It’s a huge rut to get out of!”

— Quote from a YouTube fan, @rachaelmartin5229

The OCD Intensives for Moms isn't just another hum drum therapy hour -

it's a great option to finally get peace from the grip of OCD sooner rather than later. 

Designed specifically for moms like you, this intensive program offers a focused, comprehensive approach to Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), the gold standard in OCD treatment, in addition to mindfulness techniques. 

By immersing yourself in this intensive program, you're committing to a transformative journey where you'll learn practical strategies to confront & overcome your intrusive thoughts and compulsions.

This isn't about temporary relief;
it's about long-lasting change

This Intensive Outpatient Program:

Empowers you to reclaim control over your thoughts and actions, allowing you to fully engage in and enjoy your role as a mother without the weight of fear holding you back.

You wonder what it would be like to confidently handle challenges, model resilience for your children, and embrace every moment with clarity & peace of mind.

It's your turn to be happy. It’s your chance to get mental freedom. It’s your time to live your life to the fullest, now & in the future.
Not just for you, but for your kids too.