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In this episode, Erin, a licensed mental health counselor and OCD specialist, takes another spin into the topic of Relationship OCD. She clears common misconceptions, defines what it truly means and explains its influence on you and your relationships. Helping you understand the involuntary, intrusive thoughts caused by this condition, Erin stresses the importance of seeking therapy and learning coping strategies. Erin's key message is that it's possible to have a healthy relationship while dealing with OCD and ends with a call to accept mental health as a part of wellbeing and seek professional guidance as a meaningful resource. The podcast is delivered in partnership with NoCD, a platform offering evidence-based treatment for OCD.

00:01 Introduction to Relationship OCD

00:51 Understanding the Impact of Relationship OCD

01:49 The Role of OCD in Relationships

02:09 The Pink Elephant: An Analogy for OCD

03:10 The Emotional Impact of OCD

04:11 The Importance of Mindfulness in Managing OCD

06:27 True or False: Relationship OCD Scenarios

09:45 The Role of Conflict in Relationships

14:30 Understanding Relationship Imperfections

29:48 Coping Strategies for Relationship OCD

39:03 Conclusion and Future Topics

  • What if other couples seem to love each other more?

    Will I fall out of love?


    Include information about Love Languages


    You can never do enough to satisfy OCD.


    OCD can grab onto your partner. They are someone I love and that’s “good enough.”


    "The One"

    Embarking on the journey of love often comes with a myriad of emotions and uncertainties. For individuals grappling with Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ROCD), the question of whether they've found "the one" can become an overwhelming source of anxiety. In this blog post, we'll explore the nuances of ROCD in the context of finding a life partner and offer insights on how to navigate the quest for "the one."


     Understanding Relationship OCD:


     The Constant Question: Is This "The One"?

     1. Endless Analysis:

       - Individuals with ROCD may find themselves constantly analyzing their relationship, searching for signs that confirm or deny the idea of having found "the one."

       - Overthinking and reassurance-seeking behaviors become commonplace.


     2. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice:

       - The fear of making the wrong decision or settling for the wrong person can lead to heightened anxiety.

       - Doubts about compatibility and long-term happiness may dominate thoughts.


     Coping with ROCD in the Quest for "The One":

     1. Embrace Uncertainty:

       - Accept that uncertainty is a natural part of any relationship.

       - Understand that the concept of "the one" is subjective and may evolve over time.


     2. Focus on the Present:

       - Practice mindfulness to stay present in your relationship.

       - Avoid getting lost in future scenarios and focus on the positive aspects of your connection.


     3. Communicate Openly:

       - Foster open communication with your partner about your thoughts and fears.

       - Discuss your concerns in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.


     4. Seek Professional Support:

       - Consider seeking therapy to explore and address ROCD.

       - Therapists can provide tools and strategies to manage obsessive thoughts and anxiety.


     The Myth of "The One":

     1. Evolution of Love:

       - Understand that love and relationships evolve over time.

       - The concept of "the one" may shift as individuals grow and change.


     2. Compatibility and Growth:

       - Focus on compatibility and shared values rather than searching for a perfect match.

       - Embrace the idea that growth and adaptation are integral parts of a lasting relationship.




    In the quest for finding "the one," it's essential to recognize and address the impact of Relationship OCD. Embrace the uncertainty that comes with love, communicate openly with your partner, and consider seeking professional support if needed. Remember, the journey of love is unique for each individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of "the one." By navigating the complexities of ROCD with resilience and self-compassion, individuals can build meaningful and fulfilling connections.


    The Illusions and Myths of Finding "The One"


    In the grand scheme of life, the pursuit of finding "the one" often leads us down a path filled with myths and illusions. This reflective blog explores the misconceptions surrounding the quest for a soulmate and encourages a deeper understanding of love and connection.


     Myth 1: The One Perfect Match


     Reflective Perspective:

    As we navigate the maze of relationships, it's crucial to dispel the myth of a flawless, perfect match. True connection transcends the pursuit of perfection. Embrace the imperfections and quirks that make each relationship unique.


     Myth 2: Love at First Sight


     Reflective Perspective:

    The notion of instantaneous, love-at-first-sight connections can be enchanting, but real love often unfolds gradually. It's in the shared experiences, the highs and lows, and the growth together that love deepens and becomes meaningful.


     Myth 3: The One and Only


     Reflective Perspective:

    The belief that there exists only one person in the entire world destined to be your soulmate can be limiting. Life is filled with diverse connections, and the idea of "the one" may evolve as we grow and change. Multiple meaningful connections can shape our journey.


     Myth 4: Perfect Relationships Have No Conflicts


     Reflective Perspective:

    Conflicts are an inevitable part of any relationship. Instead of avoiding them, embrace the opportunity for growth and understanding. It's through navigating challenges together that relationships strengthen and deepen.


     Myth 5: The One Completes You


     Reflective Perspective:

    The idea that someone else completes us can be misleading. While a partner can enhance our lives, true fulfillment comes from within. Each individual is a complete and evolving entity, and a healthy relationship should complement, not complete, our sense of self.


     Reflecting on Real Love:


     Embrace the Journey:

    Love is not a destination but a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected discoveries. Embrace the ebb and flow of relationships, recognizing that growth and change are constants in the evolving landscape of love.


     Learn from Mistakes:

    Reflect on past relationships and the lessons they've imparted. Mistakes are stepping stones toward understanding our desires, boundaries, and the kind of love that resonates with our authentic selves.



    In the intricate dance of relationships, grappling with doubts about being "in love" is a common challenge, especially for those navigating Relationship OCD. By embracing mindfulness, open communication, and an understanding of the evolving nature of love, individuals can navigate the complexities of their emotions with resilience. Remember, seeking support is a courageous step toward unraveling the layers of love within your unique relationship journey.



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Erin Davis

Mental health therapist specializing in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and panic attacks for those located in North Carolina & Virginia.

How Do You Know You Found The One?


Relationship OCD