Beyond Prayer: Confronting Anxiety with Practical Strategies

A woman in a mountain scene, looking up to the sky with her hands in a prayer position.

Have you ever thought that if you prayed more or were “a better Christian” that you would not be burdened with anxiety?

Anxiety is a debilitating mental health condition that many people across the world. When you have been stressed, has anyone ever told you that you should pray more? When dealing with the weight of anxiety, people who have good intentions, may invalidate how you feel by telling you to keep praying…as if your anxiety will life. Don’t get me wrong, praying and asking for God’s help can be a great way to find some relief. But that’s not the whole story for those that are truly affected by anxiety.

Would you tell a diabetic not to take their insulin? Or tell them to pray for their pancreas to make insulin? Of course not! If you look at anxiety as a legitimate medical condition, how much more likely would you be to seek help? Help as in the form of involving your doctor, your therapist, and your family?

While faith and prayer are valuable for comfort and growing closer to God, it's important to recognize that anxiety is a mental health illness. Let me share the reasons why managing anxiety requires practical strategies and professional support.

  1. Understanding Anxiety

    Anxiety is a mental health issue stemming from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. It involves an overactive fight-or-flight response, leading to excessive worry, fear, and physical symptoms. Anxiety is not solely a spiritual matter but a condition that affects the brain's chemistry and needs interventions to course correct your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

  2. The Importance of Professional Help

    Just as a broken leg requires medical attention, anxiety should be addressed through professional mental health care. Therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists specialize in mental health care and can help you manage and cope with your anxiety. I provide evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy which helps you regain control over their anxiety.

  3. Coping Strategies

    Professional therapy can help you identify triggers, understand the root causes of your anxiety, and equip you with effective tools to manage your symptoms. These strategies may include relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and stress management. While prayer can offer emotional support, it doesn't replace these therapeutic interventions.

  4. Self-Awareness and Acceptance

    Confronting anxiety means gaining self-awareness and accepting your mental health condition. By acknowledging anxiety as a real and valid experience, you can take the first step towards managing it effectively. Self-acceptance is key to seeking the right help and following through with treatment.

  5. Combating Stigma

    Depending solely on prayer to overcome anxiety can inadvertently amplify the stigma surrounding mental health issues. The misconception that you can "pray away" your anxiety, contributes to feeling guilty and inadequate. None of which God wants for you. Understanding that anxiety is a medical condition that requires evidence-based treatment can help reduce stigma and encourage others to get help.

While prayer and faith are a huge source of comfort, God provides additional resources to help you with your mental health. By recognizing that anxiety cannot be entirely "prayed away," you can start a more holistic approach to addressing this issue. Schedule your free 15 minute consultation with me today to learn more about how we can work together to help you with your anxiety!

Erin Davis

Mental health therapist specializing in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and panic attacks for those located in North Carolina & Virginia.

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